The Guild Week starts today and continues until the 9th September.
Part of this is the Preston Arts Festival which the Poetry Society is involved in.
On the 1st September will be the Poetry book launch at Waterstones between 10am and 4pm. A book of poems from members of the poetry society with many different styles and themes. A great treasure created once in 20 years. Free event. So come along and check the book out.. and find about the society too.
Also the Guild Poem adjudication and presentation with poetry reading by Michael Symmons Roberts. Find out who is the Guild Poet for 2012... a once in a 20 year opportunity... but who for? Another free event so come along and enjoy some poetry at County Hall on 6th September at 7.30pm.
There are many other events both in the Arts Festival (click on the image below to see the brochure) and the Guild.