Part 3 of the talk given by Terry QuinnA non-exhaustive list of magazines,e-magazines and competitions with some comments. Which may give you an idea of places you can get published -editor MagazinesAcumen: No advice on this one – but it has to be good. Around 10,000- 15,000 poems a year; and can only publish a hundred and fifty at the most; so the chances of rejection are high. But then this applies to most magazines.
When reading poetry I look for a poem that says something which is not trivial, not obvious, doesn't use outworn images or diction, and which works at many levels simultaneously. I don't accept e-mail submissions, but will send rejections, acceptances, proofs and other communications via email overseas to dispense with IRCs and other international postage.
- quote from Editor. Two weeks for reply
Artemis: women’s poetry
Dawntreader: The Dawntreader is a quarterly 56 page perfect bound literary publicaton with an international readership which gives the opportunity to let the imagination run free. The Dawntreader specialises in myth, legend; in the landscape, nature; spirituality and love; the mystic, the environment
Envoi: well produced magazine now based in Wales. We generally try to select a small group of poems that represent a poet’s voice, but will also take individual poems. Send up to six. 10 weeks for reply
Iota: used to be the best of the small presses but Bob Mee and Janet Murch have given up and it’s gone to the University of Gloucester. Now it’s thick and full of wordy articles ( in my opinion ). But - submissions are judged anonymously. Your name should not appear on the poetry. Include a separate sheet with your name, address and a full list of poems submitted. 5 months for reply
Magma: One of the main magazines in shops. Poems may be sent by email or post – both receive equal consideration. Contribution deadlines for the three issues are the end of February, mid-July and the end of October. Poems are considered for one issue only. As Magma receives a very large number of poems ( 30,000), they cannot consider more than 6 poems per poet per issue. 2 weeks for reply
Mslexia: good reputation.
North: Try if you like but it must receive 30,000 a year and publish 150. 3 months for reply.
OBSESSED WITH PIPEWORK is a quarterly magazine of new highwire poetry "to surprise and delight". Started in 1997, it is now in its twelfth year and continues to attract submissions of first-class poems from both established poets and absolute beginners from all parts of the English-speaking world. Has a reputation for publishing poets for the first time.
Orbis: Carole Baldock from the Wirral. When Carole says 4 poems she means four poems. When work is returned with an invite for further submissions, please do not interpret ‘in due course’ as ‘by return of post’.
And with email, it does not mean send more within the next half hour.
Good magazine where you can vote for Readers Award. 1 month reply
Purple Patch: What can I say about PP. Probably launched more poets than any other magazine. Geoff Stevens ( the editor ) was described in the Guardian as a National Treasure. One week reply.
Rialto: the one that annoys me the most. It has Arts Council grants. It has 4 staff and it’s response time is usually a huge 6 months.
Stand: Only North and Stand magazines used to be in Waterstones. It has an unreadable website. Stand first appeared in 1952 when Jon Silkin used his £5 redundancy money, received after trying to organise some of his fellow manual workers, to found a magazine which would 'Stand' against injustice and oppression, and 'Stand' for the role that the arts, poetry and fiction in particular, could and should play in that fight. If that was still the case I would be shouting its praises. On the one occasion I submitted a poem about 8 years ago it took a year to reply. I’m sure it’s better now.
Emagazines:Emagazines are online poetry magazines, usually in the form of a website. The internet has become a major source in the publishing of poetry. While there are many unmediated sites around, the following list is of Emagazines that follow an editorial policy that is similar to that of traditional printed poetry magazines. In some cases there will be both a printed and online version of the same magazine. It is advisable to read the submission guidelines for each site regarding layout and format of your work, before sending it to the E-Magazine.
Penniless Press has now gone online only.
Poetic Hours is an online magazine for amateur poets who want to see their work published to aid charity. It is based in England but has supporters all over the world. Enter the site to read the magazine and find out how to contribute.
Ancient Heart is based in Sydney – just to give an example of how the web has made publishing a global village. I’ve never tried it but here are the submission guidelines.
Leave a comment on the latest blog post/poem containing one poem, your pen name, home town, country and optional email address. In due course your poem may or may not appear on the blog/mag. I will not enter into any correspondence or acknowledge receipt of submissions or feel obliged to answer any other queries. I just want to get as many great poems as possible out there.
Competitions:There are hundreds of competitions and too many to mention but try looking in the following places:
KudosWriting Magazine ( new subscriber’s comp and monthly competitions )
Womens OwnThe OldiePeople’s FriendNew StatesmanBooksI’m not going to consider books. It is unlikely you will be considered for a book publication – especially now – until you have a substantial body of work behind you in national poetry magazines. Which I would estimate to be around 50/60 poems published in magazines which, as a guideline, are mentioned in the National Poetry Library or the Poetry Society lists. Unless you went to school/university with the publisher.
ConclusionsRead contemporary poetry
Keep submitting
Get used to being rejected – easier said than done.
Read the guidelines
Go on a writing course – the best are run by the
Arvon Foundation. You’ll get feedback from skilled poets and make lots of contacts and have a great time. £450 but you might be ok for grant.
And remember Write!Thankyou Terry Quinn for the talk you did and for allowing me to put this on the website. I hope it is as helpful to you all as to me.